Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wisdom from little people

There are times when God calls or makes changes in our lives that we may find impossible to comprehend. The loss of a job or a relationship may create the kind of changes that for some, will urge them into new challenges, but for others, will leave them in a state of fear or depression making it impossible to move on.

In Spencer Johnson’s book Who Moved My Cheese? we find the tale of four characters, Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw who are faced with sudden change, the loss of their Cheese. Sniff and Scurry are mice with simple brains who leap into action immediately in search of a new Cheese, which they promptly find. Hem and Haw are Littlepeople, the size of mice, but looking like people, who have the benefit of more complex brains, filled with many beliefs and emotions. They chose to stay in the comfort and safety of their Cheese Station and wait for more Cheese to come.

As time passes, Hem and Haw recognize that perhaps no more Cheese will be coming, however, the fear of change grips them, prohibiting these Littlepeople from leaving the Cheese Station in search of new Cheese. Eventually Haw comes to recognize that "if you do not change, you will become extinct" but he could not convince Hem of this. Haw sets out to find new Cheese with out Hem. Many times he feels the pull of the familiar calling him to return. It is easier to return to what you know than to face the challenge of the unknown. To remind himself of the purpose of this journey Haw wrote on the wall "What would you do if you were not afraid?". Though weak and still weighed down by his fears Haw continued. When doubt and fear called Haw imagined himself with new Cheese. As Haw’s belief that he would find new Cheese grew, his strength and resolve to continue also grew. Haw changed his beliefs and his behaviours to challenge the fear of change and eventually he found the new Cheese and his friends Sniff and Scurry.

In our lives we know people like Sniff who can sense change coming and are quick to lead the way. People like Scurry are action oriented individuals who can make things happen quickly. There are many Haws in our lives who need to be forced into action. They take on change hesitantly, but will grow and learn to adapt. The Hems become extinct out their lack of action.

When God calls are you a Sniff, Scurry, Hem or Haw? Will you leave the comfort of what you know to follow? Will you answer God’s request and grow in His wisdom and in His love to find your new Cheese?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read the book and found it amusing and challenging. I am in the midst of big change. Often it is scary and confusing. Letting go of what I knew and believed for the unknown is not comforting. Lately, I have been reading many books on gay spirituality and the ideas are very different from what I have heard within the Church. Imagine reading, "God is gay. God is straight. God is neither." or "gay is another way to discover God." I wonder what Sniff and Scary would say to this? If you are a gay person and would like to ponder these ideas with others like yourself, email me at